Schlagwort-Archive: Targets

Targets IV

Nice drill, posted by Matt Kuzdub. By itself and with some variations, this is also a good exercise to improve decision making and executive functions. By the way we can use it as „Trick the mind“-Drills to improve mental strength.

1. set target on both sides;
2. use targets in different colours (f.e. one red and one white):
a) player announces the target before hitting the ball („red“ or „white“);
b) coach announces the target (colour);
c) player or coach uses animal names for the targets (red=“tiger“; white=“cheetah“)
d) coach or player announces target (colour) and speed or spin (f.e. „red-topspin“ or „red-save“, ….)
e) player or coach announces target (animal) and uses another animal name for spin or ball height (f.e. „snake=flat“, „giraffe= high over the net“), then f.e. „tiger-snake“ or „tiger-giraffe“,….


Serve around the world

Different learning seems the best way to learn tennis. in closed situations, like the service, there are a lot of ideas, but they are not complete. Shaun Sharp, tennis coach in the Meehan Tennis Academy in Melbourne has developed and experienced with drills that are based on serving from different positions and different targets.

The link to more

Serve around the world weiterlesen

Count to ten-news

New „Count to ten“ variations:

  • count backwards!
  • every hit over the net counts
  • every hit into a special target counts
  • the hits into a special target have to be set in a row
  • upon reaching a predetermined number of goals, the ball is „free“ and the point is played in the whole court (in groups with four in one half of the court)
  • groups with four play 1-1 in the half of the double-field
  • players count the announced number of  balls over the net or balls into a target backwards

Count to ten…

Piece of cake

TC Dettingen/Horb, Mannschaftstraining, eine Spielfeldhälfte verkleinert (piece of cake)


Constraints led coaching: modify court-size.

A and B play rallies. The size of one court side is modified (picture). Like a piece of cake is sliced off. This makes a difference and forces both players to a modified view on the game and on tactic.

The player in the downsized field should use the situation to hit more forehands. This will increase the forehand inside-out. Piece of cake weiterlesen

The beauty of targets

Brenton Jon Bakker worked as Tennis Coach in Japan. He recognized, that believing in the self-organization-ability of the player by using and setting targets gives the coach time to work on the players strategy. In his view, tennis has become too technical. A longer version of his position in

„In Japan I learned the IMPORTANCE of targets. I would set targets down or create “ target areas “ that were specific to my player, and in my experience over time, even with minimal correction, the player made the necessary technical adjustments and when they made the adjustments, they stuck. They learned it for themselves, it was ingrained into their muscle memory by a formula of continual repetition. For example, if my player was having trouble keeping a good depth on the ball, then I would set up target areas deep in the court, or if they had trouble with topspin I would set the targets up short and angled away.“

Target area

„Wo es keine Zielfläche gibt, gibt es auch keinen Weg. Den Ball nur in eine gewisse Richtung zu befördern reicht bei weitem nicht aus!“

(Richard Schönborn, ehemaliger Cheftrainer des Deutschen Tennisbunds. In: TennisSport 5/2009, S. 6)

rsWhere there is no target area, there is no way. To get the ball in a certain direction is not nearly enough!“

(Richard Schönborn, former head coach of the German Tennis Federation. In: Tennis Sport 5/2009, p.6)

Play the ball over the net

Zu den Einstiegsfragen an meine Klient_innen in meinem Tennistraining gehören die Fragen: „Was möchtest Du an Deinem Spiel verbessern oder verändern?“, „Wann würdest Du Deine Schläger als für Dich zufriedenstellend beschreiben?“

Häufig kommt dann als Zielformulierung: „Ich Play the ball over the net weiterlesen

Yes I can (2) – Focusing on the essentials

Fokussierung auf die Aufgabe, „Konzentration auf das Wesentliche“ ist ein Grundgedanke des INNER COACHING. Erreichen lässt sich dies unter anderem dadurch, dass der Spieler zur eigentlichen Aufgabe  eine weitere Aufgabe hat. Z.B. wenn er/sie auf das Bewegungsgefühl achten soll: Wenn der Spieler ein gutes Gefühl bei seinem Schlag hat, dann ruft er laut „Ja“. Das kann auch unabhängig vom Ergebnis des Schlages sein.

Allzu leicht schweifen Spieler_innen mit ihren Gedanken bei einem Drill ab und vergessen die eigentliche Aufgabe. Dieser „Trick“ führt die Spieler_innen immer wieder zur Aufgabe zurück. Außerdem bewirkt das laute „Ja“ eine positive Verstärkung des Erfolgserlebnisses. Deshalb lassen wir das „Nein“ Yes I can (2) – Focusing on the essentials weiterlesen

„Targets“ – new drill

Here is a new variation of the Inner Coaching Drill „Targets„:

Target_2Set different coloured marks on the courtside of player B. The blue one in the deuce-court, the yellow one in the add-court, in the near of the baseline. Mark a line on the other courtside, one big step from the baseline, so that you have a targetfield between baseline and the marked line.

Player B has to play the ball into the targetfield. Player A plays his ball in the near of the announced coloured targets.

The coach announces where A „Targets“ – new drill weiterlesen