Nonlinear pedagogy in sports

„The interactional nature also explains why certain components of performance practiced in isolation, i.e. “technique”, may collapse when task constraints (inclusion of opposing players) and/or individual constraints (emotions) change.“

Seven principles of nonlinear pedagogy in sports. Described by Mark Upton from The Player Development Project.

Tennistraining Junior and Inner Coaching published:

Frercks Hartwig: Effektives Lernen mit Inner Coaching. Coaches guide for a varied and versatile training. „Here is the coach supporter, companion and facilitator of learning processes“. Bezzenberger-Verlag, Heppenheim, August 2016

Here the complete article Effektives Lernen, Neue Wege im Tennistraining and more useful informations in „Tennistraining Junior 4/2016“.