
“For 4 or 5 of us (on our street) it was football direct. But it wasn’t just football. We played tennis, table tennis, floorball, ice hockey. In the street I grew up it was mainly ‘sports families’, it became a ‘sports street’ and this is how I got in to sport”. (Eric Forsberg, RB Leipzig, Nationalteam Sweden)

Emil Forsberg – Growing up on a street of sport (Game-Play-Learn)

Open minds to open skills by D. Rosenbaum

Open minds to open skills – some considerations that model the philosophy of our tennis program. By Daniel Rosenbaum*

A wonderful and must read article. Rosenbaum shows that the role of the coach has changed from „showing how to do it right“ to a guidance and learning process manager. Also the „learning process“ itself has changed from „practice mode“ with the focus on the technique of skills thought as the basis to play the game to a „game mode“ with a lot more tools than traditional approach from the beginning.

Open minds to open skills (pdf)

*“Daniel L. Rosenbaum is a Wingate Institute and ITF Level 2 Coach with a Social Sciences bachelor degree from the University of Sao Paulo. During a long and successful career he has done a lot in the Tennis industry and makes a strong contribution to enrich and improve players and coaches. Since 1982 he has been working at all the levels designing and implementing tennis programs for young beginners, adults, juniors and professional players, promoting the game and the participation in sport. As an assistant, speaker and producer, Daniel has participated in several national and international tennis courses, conferences and workshops; has been conducting more then 200 coaches courses and is responsible for thousands of certifications
Among many activities he founded with Carlos Kirmayr and coordinated the Coaches Education Department for the Brazilian Tennis Confederation and directed the Achievement Program at the Israel Tennis Centers.“

From Inner Coaching to „Coaching in sports“

The Blog now has the title
„Coaching in sports – new ways in learning“. Started with the thoughts and ideas of Timothy Gallwey and others about Inner Game and Inner Coaching the scaffolding of the blog is more. From there, we started thinking outside the box.

We included all aspects with an evidence-based background that deliver a change in coaching in sports („new ways in learning“): constraints led approach, external focus, differential learning, non-linear pedagogy, implicit learning, theory of dynamical systems,….

And it is not at an end.


Quality before quantity

One important substance of my Inner Coaching (TMS) approach, what includes „trick the mind drills“, implicit -differential learning, constraints led approach and non-linear pedagogy, is this:

A high range is to be replaced by a high learning intensity. Quality before quantity.