Wir haben in diesem Innercoaching-Blog schon viel über Zen und die Kunst des Tennisspielens geschrieben. Wer sich davon angesprochen fühlt und mehr über Zen und Weisheiten über Achtsamkeit und das Leben an sich wissen möchte wird hier vielleicht fündig. Wir finden den Blog zenhabits.net auf jeden Fall so spannend und hilfreich, dass wir Euch darauf aufmerksam machen möchten. Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
Archiv für den Monat: März 2014
Skoaching „Spacer“
Here ist another video from our skoaching-factory (thx to Lars Hipp for the wonderful sketching)! This time again about focusing on the ball and the effects of hitting the ball. Have fun and some new ideas!
Skoaching „Traffic lights“
The next video is online! Another skoaching-video about Inner Coaching! We go on with the „Traffic Light Drill“! Red or green, hard or easy to hit….. Have fun and if you need more informations and videos, follow us on twitter oder facebook!
Here you find the german description of the drill.
Spacer 2
You remember the inner coaching drill „spacer 1“?
There you played rallies with your partner from the baseline. Every time your ball crosses the net, you shout the distance to the net. Rename loud (!) the ball distance at 50 cm intervals. Thus the player reaches the „concentration on the essentials“ and the non-essential, such as thinking about the impact technique is hidden!
This drill is also for children on all field sizes, with the corresponding balls. The distance of the ball to the net can be specified with three possible „dimensions“:
- just over the net: mouse
- mean distance: Tiger
- high over the net: giraffe or elephant or dinosaur or …..
This is fun and has the same „trick the mind effect“ as in spacer 1 for older players.
Spacer 1
If your ball flies after your hit over the net, then name the distance to the net to within 10 cm. Stay consistent!
This exercise contains all the elements of an inner coaching drill:
- more external focus (distance to net)
- Focusing on the essentials
- internal feedback (loud naming the distance)