Teaching skills

Wolfgang Schöllhorn has answered to an article in TennisSport 2015, a journal for tennis coaches in Germany. Alexander Ferrauti had criticized  the differential learning as an aberration.

Here is Wolfgang Schöllhorns beautiful reply (thanks to WS for the translation):

„It is always a surprise as to what people are capable of when they are overwhelmed by their own emotions. When it comes to the question of deep-seated (training) habits, including when one’s own painful (training) experiences are recognized as such, and when one realizes that lots of things could have been done differently. When one realizes that he could have possibly achieved the orignially dreamed success then often strange outgrowths under the guise of supposed science appear. One fights the new, in order not to change one’s own, life long developed view of world. One becomes polemic, starts to discredit, one blindly takes over defamation that is trying to isolate. One is doing everything in order not to face the pain that would be accompanied by one’s own changes. The evil always comes from outside. Teaching skills weiterlesen

Inner entrepreneurship

„Moving from outside control to ”inner entrepreneurship.“
„Technique training should not be based on acquiring perfect  technique but on effectively correcting errors.“ (F.Bosch)
„Skill technique or problem solutions?“
„According to variation principle a repetition is never an exact copy  of previous trial.“
”Repetitions without repetitions” (N.Bernstein)
„Power law of adaptation: Every repetition after third one is waste  of time“ (Wolfgang Schöllhorn)
Dr. Klaus, August 2015

Die Lähmung der intrinsischen Motivation durch extrinsische Motivation

Zusammenfassung des Workshop mit Chris Mallett an der ICCE  2015 Conference in Vierumäki.
Welche Rolle spielt das Verhältnis zwischen extrinsischer und der typischerweise als wirkungsvoller angesehenen intrinsischen Motivation? „Belohnungen für die Ausführung intrinsisch interessanter Handlungen können die intrinsische Motivation der Person für diese Handlung senken“, führte Mallett aus. Und wie kann
der Trainer seine Sportler unterstützen, Dinge zu tun, die sie nicht so mögen? Ein wichtiger Aspekt dafür es, das Autonomie-und Selbstkontroll-Motiv der Sportler nicht zu verletzen: sinnvoll ist eine Ausgewogenheit zwischen klaren Strukturen und angemessenen Wahlmöglichkeiten. Vorzugsweise erhält die Anstrengung des Sportlers die Anerkennung des Trainers, weniger das Ergebnis. Der Trainerstil entspricht so weniger einem kontrollierenden als eher einem unterstützenden Stil.“

Implicit double drills

Louis Cayer is one of the Double Coaching Gurus in the world. This presentation is from the 2015 LTA Coaches’ Conference at the National Tennis Centre in London, England. This is an on-court presentation by Louis Cayer and Simon Wheatley Helped by Neal and Ken Skupski, giving clarity and awareness to tactical framework and an emphasis on net play. This presentation showcases a number of drills that work neutral, offensive and defensive skills. Some of the drills are implicit and especially the drills starting at 30′ are differencial (standing on one feet, standing with crossed legs,….)

What great coaches need

„First, contrary to common belief (or perhaps what most academics believe), these coaches read a lot ….. they read academic papers, they have an insatiable thirst for (evidence based, peer reviewed) knowledge. ….. This search – according to the data – is driven by a deep dark doubt, driving the obsession to ‘stay ahead’. These coaches are “always striving, driven by the fear of not being good enough”.


fragezeichenEine Frage: Sind nicht-wiederholte, also einmalige technische Anleitungen im Training, wie „Hol früher aus“, „Stell Dich seitlich“, „Obere Schleife“ „Linkes-Bein-vor“,  „In-die-Knie“ gleichzeitig paradoxe Interventionen und damit Trainingsformen im Sinne eines Differenziellen Lernens?

A question: Are non-repeated, so only one-time used technical informations in coaching, such as „get your racket back sooner„, take the right foot in front“, and so on, a paradoxical intervention and thus drills mentioned by differential learning?