Wolfgang Schöllhorn has answered to an article in TennisSport 2015, a journal for tennis coaches in Germany. Alexander Ferrauti had criticized the differential learning as an aberration.
Here is Wolfgang Schöllhorns beautiful reply (thanks to WS for the translation):
„It is always a surprise as to what people are capable of when they are overwhelmed by their own emotions. When it comes to the question of deep-seated (training) habits, including when one’s own painful (training) experiences are recognized as such, and when one realizes that lots of things could have been done differently. When one realizes that he could have possibly achieved the orignially dreamed success then often strange outgrowths under the guise of supposed science appear. One fights the new, in order not to change one’s own, life long developed view of world. One becomes polemic, starts to discredit, one blindly takes over defamation that is trying to isolate. One is doing everything in order not to face the pain that would be accompanied by one’s own changes. The evil always comes from outside. Teaching skills weiterlesen