Learning from the best. Stephen Curry shows in this warm-up „routine“ what experts do: being creativ, doing crazy thinks, leaving the text-books line,….
Changing individual constraints, here: the attentional focus. Focusing on the next point can be difficult. This game can help players to focus only on the next point. Each player is given a set of playing cards und turns over the top card without showing it to the other player. Whatever the number on the card is, that is the number of points required to win the match. The partner does the same. Neither side informs the opponent until the winning point has been scored. (found in Jia Yi Chow et al. Nonlinear pedagogy in skill acquisation, p 157)
„…for most coaches, the design of practice is constructed under the competing constraints of the need for immediate competition success and the demonstration of ability (i.e. to selectors or parents) in practice alongside longer-term learning.“ (Jia Yi Chow, et al: Non-linear pedagogy in skill acquistion, p. 197)
Changing indivual constraints by coping with emotions:
Very often, especially young players are not able to deal with being behind in the score. They let their heads hang down and give up. In this game the player’s emotion is manipulated. Both players dice before the match. The result of their dices is the current score.
Variations: play up to 10 points, ball is played in by the coach; always on the same player; on the player who is behind in the score; play with service; play a matchtiebreak, starting with the dice score; play a set to six, starting with the dice score…