Tuchel und der BVB

Der BVB Borussia Dortmund hat seinen Trainer Thomas Tuchel entlassen. Es ist von außen schwierig, solche Entscheidungen nachzuvollziehen.Bild könnte enthalten: 1 Person, im Freien

Ich habe auf meinem Blog mehrfach über die modernen Trainingsmethoden von Thomas Tuchel berichtet. Als „Schüler“ von Wolfgang Schöllhorn (Differenzielles Lernen) geht er neue Wege im Training und in der Wettkampfplanung.

Die Beiträge sind hier verlinkt


Whistle when you hit the ball….

This „Trick the mind-drill“ helps players in every stage, pro or beginner, to feel the rhythm, focus on contact point, set a signal for the partner on the other side, breath while hitting and its a lot of fun. Be sensible with neighbours 😉 .


Adopting and accepting non-linear pedagogy

„A child’s view of their own sporting experience is very different. It’s generally about fun, friends, competition, play, learning and a love of the game. That’s easy to forget if you’re an all-too-serious adult.“

„Through sport, children enjoy the opportunity to learn so many lessons that apply to life. Achievement, failure, team work, adaptability, winning, pride, overcoming adversity, purpose and more. If we create environments with the player at the heart of it that includes challenge, but is driven by understanding then we can help them navigate through the ups and downs, ensuring they develop as people and players. Adopting and accepting non-linear pedagogy means that the coach embraces the learning process from their own and the player’s perspective, resulting in an ability to work with the many forces at play.“

The Player

Don’t talk, let walk

“Let the drill do the talking and the athlete do the walking”


In this article Nick Winkelman is talking about science of coaching and using new scientific knowledge in developing skills in sports. He gives an overview about constraints led coaching, the advantage of external focus, differencial learning and optimizing the transfer from pratice to the game. As we already know 😉 this implicits a new communication between player and coach.

Winkelmann is the head of athletic performance & science for the Irish Rugby Football Union. Prior to working for Irish Rugby, Nick was the director of education for EXOS (formerly Athletes’ Performance), located in Phoenix, AZ. As a performance coach, Nick oversaw the speed and assessment component of the EXOS NFL Combine Development Program. Nick has also supported many athletes in the NFL, MLB, NBA, National Sport Organizations and Military. Nick is an internationally recognized speaker on human performance and coaching science, and has multiple publications through the UKSCA, NSCA and IDEA Health and Fitness.


Don’t be proud of practice

„Don’t just be proud of practice, but look at how practice and training actually transfers to the field. If you’re making baseball players faster, does it actually result in more stolen bases? If you’re making golf players stronger, can they actually drive the ball farther and more accurately when they’re on the golf course?“
This link leads to a presentation by Nick Winkelmann with objects about coaching in running. Using goals, errors, constraints, external focus, contextual interference and differencial learning:
  • Discuss a technical model for sprinting from a dynamic
  • systems perspective
  • Discuss an error model for sprinting from a dynamic systems
  • perspective
  • Discuss a constrain-based coaching model with emphasis placed on instruction/feedback and practice design

Half fielders – double drill

Nonlinear pedagogy in tennis coaching. Developing and improving double skills and tactics. This drill should lead to a better view on cross court play in a double. This is helpful for a greater variation in tactics from serving, returning to using the volley and lobs.

Nonlineare Pädagogik im Tennistraining. Eine Übung zur Entwicklung eines erfolgreichen Doppelspiels durch die Ermöglichung eines veränderten Blicks auf die Bedeutung des Crossspiels im Doppel und die sich daraus ergebenden Varianten in der Taktik. Aus den veränderten Rahmenbedingungen ergibt sich ein impliziter Zugang zum Aufschlag, Stellungssspiel und Einsatz des Volley im Doppel.

Trough the middle

Nonlinear pedagogy in coaching tennis. Another constraints led drill. This time to improve the precision of your service and to confront the returner with differing situations in a game situation. Serving through the „middle“ is an important skill for doubles.

Nonlineare Pädagogik im Tennistraining. Ein weiterer durch Einschränkungen manipulierter Trainingsdrill zur Verbesserung und Erweiterung der Bewegungs-, Technik- und Taktikoptionen. Ziele: Verbesserung der Auschlagspräzision und Konfrontation des Rückschlägers mit veränderten Rahmenbedingungen in Spielsituationen. Der Aufschlag durch die MItte ist eine wichtige Fähigkeit für das Doppelspiel.