A drill to improve footwork, groundstroke skills, executive functions and more. Using implicit learning. Developed by Frercks Hartwig and Chris Köhler.
This is something from mental coaching and improving your serve in learning and stressful (match-)situations.
From studies about „choking under pressure“ and from Yogi Berra (US baseball coach), we know, that „you can’t think and hit at the same time“. In stressful situations (serving in hard scores in tennis, putting in golf, shooting penalties,…) a lot of athlets start thinking
about failure and about their technique. This uses capacity of the prefrontal cortex and prevents the access to automated and frequently used motions.
The consequence is a slowdown of the motion and can lead to deviations from a successful solution.
In this situation we use so called mental tricks to „trick the mind“ and to avoid conscious thoughts. Am-ster-dam weiterlesen
Ein Drill zum Einspielen und Warm-Up im Kleinfeld (von T-Linie zu T-Linie). In Partnerarbeit oder in Spielformen.
Spieler*in A und B spielen Ballwechsel von der T-Linie. Nach Kommando des Trainers greifen die Spieler*innen den Schläger „kurz“ (am Schlägerhals) oder „lang“ (am Schlägergriff).
Diese Übung greift auf das differenzielle Lernen zurück.
This is a drill for warm-up and starting practice.
Player A and B play rallies from the service-line. After the coaches call they play with a „short“-held racket (or with a „long“-held racket.
You can play with your partner or play points.
In our view, for successful competitors it makes a difference, if we work in practice with explicit technical instructions or whether we „develop“ a suitable technique with the player on implicit tasks!
So far we have drawn attention to the benefits of individual and creative problem solving and the sustainability of a player on implicit technology development.
In our view, there is a more significant difference, which speaks for the implicit method. In the explicit teaching methodology the player learns the technique of a stroke from the perspective of the coach (and out of textbooks), which is connected to certain predetermined sequences (backswing, impact movement, movement to the ball, ….). Surely, there are more open and closer interpretations by explicitly working coaches. The psychological consequences of explicit learning weiterlesen