Schlagwort-Archive: Drill

Focus on the score 2

Players A and B play points from the baseline, they play until 10. Coach is playing the ball in:

-the first of seven points starts with player A. A has seven strokes to win the point. If he hits the eighth, B wins the point

-with the second ball A has six strokes to win the point. If he hits the seventh, B wins the point

-with the third ball A has five strokes to win the point,…..

-with the seventh ball A has one stroke to win the point. If he hits second, B wins the point

-now B starts with the first stroke and has maximum seven strokes to win the point…..


  • player A or B play the ball in
  • with service


Focus on the score

Great book about Tennis psychology with a lot of drills. Most of them can be used in a constraints led approach. The following drill sets constraints by changing the rules for counting points. (Miguel Crespo, Machar Reid: Tennis Psychology, 200 + practical drills and the latest research. London 2006)

Players play points from the baseline:
-the first point played counts as 1 point
-the second and third point count as 2 points each
-the fourth and fifth point count as 3 points each
-the sixth and the seventh point count as 4 points each
-the eighth and ninth points played count as 5 points each
-the tenth point played counts as 6 points.
Players play 2 sets of 10 points. The same player serves throughout the set.


The dice

Changing indivual constraints by coping with emotions:

Very often, especially young players are not able to deal with being behind in the score. They let their heads hang down and give up. In this game the player’s emotion is manipulated. Both players dice before the match. The result of their dices is the current score.

Variations: play up to 10 points, ball is played in by the coach; always on the same player; on the player who is behind in the score; play with service; play a matchtiebreak, starting with the dice score; play a set to six, starting with the dice score…

Count to ten-news

New „Count to ten“ variations:

  • count backwards!
  • every hit over the net counts
  • every hit into a special target counts
  • the hits into a special target have to be set in a row
  • upon reaching a predetermined number of goals, the ball is „free“ and the point is played in the whole court (in groups with four in one half of the court)
  • groups with four play 1-1 in the half of the double-field
  • players count the announced number of  balls over the net or balls into a target backwards

Count to ten…


Das Arbeitsgedächtnis, die Inhibition (Hemmung von Verhaltensweisen) und die kognitive Flexibilität lassen sich auch im Tennistraining verbessern. Das sind sogenannte „exekutive Funktionen“. Deren Verbesserung hilft bei der Entwicklung der „Spielintelligenz“ und hat eine positive Auswirkung auf die außersportlichen Lernleistungen!

Die folgende Übung lenkt außerdem die Aufmerksamkeit weg vom Nachdenken über die Bewegung (trick the mind).

Ein Übungsbeispiel: 17+4 weiterlesen