Schlagwort-Archive: executive functions

Coaching creativity and executive skills in youth soccer

“The conclusion of this research was that players with better developed executive functioning skills in these areas have a better chance of succeeding as a football player.” (Glenn van der Kraan)

I love the idea of developing executive functions, creativity and skills. What I miss is the question about the consequences of early specialisation. This sounds a bit like a technique to produce good soccer players from early youth. Intuitively I think about childerns rights, burnout, dropout, …

Targets IV

Nice drill, posted by Matt Kuzdub. By itself and with some variations, this is also a good exercise to improve decision making and executive functions. By the way we can use it as „Trick the mind“-Drills to improve mental strength.

1. set target on both sides;
2. use targets in different colours (f.e. one red and one white):
a) player announces the target before hitting the ball („red“ or „white“);
b) coach announces the target (colour);
c) player or coach uses animal names for the targets (red=“tiger“; white=“cheetah“)
d) coach or player announces target (colour) and speed or spin (f.e. „red-topspin“ or „red-save“, ….)
e) player or coach announces target (animal) and uses another animal name for spin or ball height (f.e. „snake=flat“, „giraffe= high over the net“), then f.e. „tiger-snake“ or „tiger-giraffe“,….


Praise the error

„The ability to stop and consider a response, to use the experience of a wrong choice as a guide in making the next decision, relates to executive functions (…). Learning from our mistakes is profoundly important in everyday life, and Hillman’s study shows that exercise – or at least the resulting fitness levels – can have a powerful impact on the fundamental skill.“ (out of Ratey, J. „Spark“, 2008, p 26)

Targets III

Noch ein Drill zum „Training exekutiver Funktionen“ und mit „externem Fokus“ (Spiel auf Ziele). Prima kombinierbar mit Drills aus dem Differentiellen Lernen und deshalb ein typischer „Inner Coaching (TMS)-Drill“! Leider nur mit zwei Spieler_innen auf einem Spielfeld durchführbar.

Another Drill to train „executive functions“ and with „external focus“ (targets). Drill can be combined with drills from differential learning and so it is a typical INNER COACHING (TMS) – Drill. Unfortunately only for two players.
