A player has problems with the ballthrow. She always has one ball in her hand, and the second ball is in the pants/skirts pocket.
The idea of the coach is, that too many joints are used throwing the ball: fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder. That makes the control of the ball throw more difficult. Under an internal focus, the player observes, according to the coach’s instructions, to let the arm stretched. However, in several studies on external focus and implicit learning, the authors conclude that an external focus is more helpful and implicit learning is more effective and sustainable. Serving and controlling ball throw weiterlesen →
„There is no need to impose a putative “textbook” technique. Instead players must learn to adapt their movements (in milliseconds) to the various situations encountered on the pitch. (Mark Upton, player development project)
Sometimes I receive a feedback, that makes me brood und I wonder, if our coaching ideas are the best for players and coach. Such feedbacks are necessary and helpful! Development only happens in moments of irritation and I have to check my methods. It’s hard to loose players and clients. Believing in doing the wright thing, I have inquired.
The feedback: Coaches dilemma weiterlesen →
„The Centipede’s Dilemma“ is a short poem that has lent its name to a psychological effect called the centipede effect or centipede’s dilemma. The centipede effect occurs when a normally automatic or unconscious activity is disrupted by consciousness of it or reflection on it. For example, a golfer thinking too closely about their swing or someone thinking too much about how they knot their tie may find their performance of the task impaired. The effect is also known as hyper-reflection or Humphrey’s law after the English psychologist George Humphrey (1889–1966), Centipede’s dilemma weiterlesen →
The cultural lag in the implementation of scientific knowledge in sports game teaching in particular in tennis
In the past few years a lot has happened in the methodology and didactics of tennis coaching. The „methodical traditionalism“, oriented exclusively to the teaching of a textbook technique has been pushed back and the setting of many coaches has changed as a result of „play and stay“ and playful learning. Following and respecting the learning age and the state of development of the player, using customized materials (different balls, rackets, playing fields and competition forms) and mainly letting the learners play.
Nevertheless there we can observe certain phenomena, which I would describe as „appendix“ from the textbook-oriented coaching of tennis and of methodical traditionalism. Cultural lag weiterlesen →
Der „cultural lag“, die Verzögerung in der Umsetzung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse in der Sportspielvermittlung insbesondere im Tennis
In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich viel getan in der Methodik und Didaktik des Tennislehrens. Der ausschließlich an der Vermittlung einer Lehrbuch-Technik orientierte „methodische Traditionalismus“ wurde zurückgedrängt und in der Folge von „play and stay1“ und einem spielerischen Lernen hat sich die Einstellung vieler Coaches verändert. Kaum jemand, der heute nicht auf, an das Lernalter und den Entwicklungsstand der Spieler*innen, angepasste Materialien zugreift (unterschiedliche Bälle, Schläger, Spielfelder und Wettkampfformen) und die Lernenden vor allem spielen lässt.
Dennoch lassen sich weiterhin bestimmte Phänomene beobachten, die ich als „Wurmfortsätze“ aus dem Lehrbuch-orientierten Tennistraining und dem methodischen Traditionalismus bezeichnen würde. Verzögerungen weiterlesen →
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