Die stille Revolution – Kinderrechte und Trainingsarbeit

Was hat unsere TMS-Trainingsphilosophie, was hat INNER COACHING (TMS) als innovatives und evidenzbasiertes Coaching mit Kinderrechten zu tun?
Manchmal erscheinen uns die Dinge als selbstverständlich. Als Coaches und Trainer handeln wir entsprechend unserem Menschenbild oft spontan und „nach Gefühl“. Deshalb ist es uns so wichtig, unser Handeln im Training und im Coaching auf eine fundierte und wissenschaftlich abgesicherte Basis zu stellen („evidenzbasiert“). Und wir sind nicht alleine! Bei vielen (Tennis-)Trainerkolleg*innen findet bereits ein „Umdenken“ statt, auch wenn das in den (Tennis-)Verbänden nur schleppend nach oben durchdringt. Die stille Revolution – Kinderrechte und Trainingsarbeit weiterlesen

The swedish revolution

Sometimes I read a text about learning in sports and my eyes and my heart become wide opened.

The swedish revolution.

process_sweden_faSuch an article is the one I have read this morning, written by Mark O’Sullivan on footblogball about „a quiet revolution in swedish youth football and the idea of avoiding exclusion“. He wrires about the meaning of nonlinear pedagogy in motor learning and what this has to do with a new image of human beings or being human. The swedish revolution weiterlesen

Flirt with science

fragezeichenWe need scientific terms to describe the learning of athletic movements and to understand the process of motor learning. It requires clear definitions of terms used.
Some of them we find only in a scientific embossed language. Hard to understand and sometimes used differently. On the long term they need to be clarified. Otherwise the use of these terms for INNER COACHING (TMS) can lead to misinterpretations or may give the impression of an aloof discussion. The following terms need a clarification of their relevance for an implicit motor learning:
knowledge of performance – knowledge of result
science based – evidence based


Schlaegerberg„Making a difference“ makes a difference and improves learning, variability, creativity.

A way to bring fun and sense in the daily tennis practice is to play with different rackets (old, with old strings, short rackets, large rackets…..) or/and different balls on different court sizes.

Example: Player A and B play rallies with their regular rackets. After every  three played balls A changes the racket. This drill has psychological side-effects: players have to cope with changing constraints.


  • play on targets
  • play points, f.e. mini-tiebreak to 3
  • with service/without service
  • use additionally different balls
  • moisten the grip of some rackets


Two very good articles about nonlinear pedagogy in skill acquisation and about constraints led coaching. As almost coming from soccer!

Mark Upton comes to a likable conclusion:

„The above is not a recipe or blueprint for success, nor is it a comprehensive disscussion of each principle (such as the inevitable “exception to the rule” situations). However, as a starting point they should prove helpful in navigating the complexity of learning design and player development. A useful activity may be to examine your current practice activities against these principles and see how they stack up. What might you do differently?“



Learning needs good sleep

Surely you have players that are impatient in practice and matches. Things should happen immediately. But you are convinced that learning implicitly and differentially is sustainable and more efficient. Of course this requires the confidence of coach and player himself in his self-organization ability“.

By the coach suscribed solutions are often only short-term „false solutions“. Learning processes find place in such practice, but they are not directly stansustainably implemented generally.

Learning needs good sleep weiterlesen


KybernetikEin wichtiger Baustein unserer Trainingsphilosophie, wenn nicht der entscheidende, ist die Kybernetik und die sich dadurch ergebende Idee von Wahrnehmung. Die Vorstellung von komplexen Systemen, wie auch der einzelne Mensch eines ist, erfordert neue Herangehensweisen an das Lehren und Lernen. In dem verlinkten Video wird die Kybernetik anschaulich beschrieben.
