Archiv der Kategorie: Motor Learning

Nonlinear pedagogy in sports

„The interactional nature also explains why certain components of performance practiced in isolation, i.e. “technique”, may collapse when task constraints (inclusion of opposing players) and/or individual constraints (emotions) change.“

Seven principles of nonlinear pedagogy in sports. Described by Mark Upton from The Player Development Project.

Tennistraining Junior and Inner Coaching published:

Frercks Hartwig: Effektives Lernen mit Inner Coaching. Coaches guide for a varied and versatile training. „Here is the coach supporter, companion and facilitator of learning processes“. Bezzenberger-Verlag, Heppenheim, August 2016

Here the complete article Effektives Lernen, Neue Wege im Tennistraining and more useful informations in „Tennistraining Junior 4/2016“.

Play the game

Blocked vs random practice!Carl McGown, AVCA Hall of Famer

„The random versus blocked practice methods represent a fundamental paradox regarding athletic performance during training and subsequent performance during competition. Based on performance measurements during practice, blocked activities, in which athletes repeatedly rehearse the same task, result in superior performance during the training session. In comparison, performing tasks and skills in random order decreases skill acquisition during training. Consequently, based on measurement of performance effects during practice, many coaches and players believe that blocked practice is superior to random practice. Such a conclusion however, mistakenly assumes a positive correlation between performance in practice and long-term skill retention. The paradox arises from the fact Play the game weiterlesen

The Myth of the correct technique

Tomaz MencingerTomaz Mencinger, a colleague working as a tennis coach in slovenia, has very often interesting posts on his webside This time he wrote a nice article about „the myth of the correct technique“ and connected his thoughts with videos of Roger Federers forehand and more. Exciting the quote of Rafa Nadal:

„From the moment the ball is in motion, The Myth of the correct technique weiterlesen

Rivers of thinking

„If we help players to solve the tactical problem they face, will they work out the best technique themselves without needing us to be explicit about this?“

„If they can solve this problem, will this create new techniques that break down barriers and create new solutions? And what is the ‘right technique’ anyway?“Rivers of Thinking

This are two questions out of more on a new blog.  Read more on

Kontrolliertes Chaos/controlled mischief

Berater Helmut Groß (rechts) an der Seite von Coach Ralf Rangnick. Bildnachweis FAZ 3.8.2013

Helmut Groß war der Berater von Trainer Ralf Rangnick beim Bundesligaverein  RB Leipzig. In einem Interview in der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung beschreibt er sein Verständnis vom modernen Fußballtraining. Er verweist auf die Bedeutung der Neurobiologie und der Hirnforschung auf „schneller wahrnehmen, schneller analysieren, schneller richtig entscheiden, schneller handeln“. Seine Erwartung ist das Motto: „wiederholen ohne zu wiederholen. Jede technische Übung mit einer taktischen Komponente wird nie exakt wiederholt, sondern wird durch die komplexen Einflüsse im Fußball zwangsläufig etwas verändert.“ Das ist „klassisches“ differenzielles und implizites Lernen. Kontrolliertes Chaos/controlled mischief weiterlesen