Johan Cruyff, soccer world champion and coach, in an interview about development in (children’s) sports using soccer as an example. About creativity in and through free play, the necessity of mistakes in the learning process. Modern sports, education and exercise concepts such as the Ballschule Heidelberg or Street Racket are looking for and offering ways back to the culture of street games or bringing street games into the halls.
Schlagwort-Archive: soccer
Replay the streets
“We have found that the loss of street football and kids playing freely outside and being stuck behind computers or on iPads means that we are now need to find a solution. As a result, we are building a Feyenoord playground where the kids will arrive an hour before the session and just play without coaches. That free play is a our way of recreating street football.” (Glenn van der Kraan, Feyenoord Soccer Academy)
Let go…
„Through special challenges with the ball the players have to learn to <let go> again … this way, the fear of failure is lost and at the same time the desire for „mental resilience“ develops. Together, this makes it easier for the player to enjoy the game even under pressure …“ (Matthias Nowak, Technik- und Kreativtrainer)
“For 4 or 5 of us (on our street) it was football direct. But it wasn’t just football. We played tennis, table tennis, floorball, ice hockey. In the street I grew up it was mainly ‘sports families’, it became a ‘sports street’ and this is how I got in to sport”. (Eric Forsberg, RB Leipzig, Nationalteam Sweden)
Emil Forsberg – Growing up on a street of sport (Game-Play-Learn)
Fun Integration Theory
A study about the importance of the fun factor in youth soccer found several „fun“-ideas that young players, parents and coaches found important. The authors describe FUN MAPS that provide pictorial evidence-based blueprints for the fun integration theory (FIT), which is a multi-theoretical, multidimensional, and stakeholder derived framework that can be used to maximize fun for children and adolescents in order to promote and sustain an active and healthy lifestyle through sport.
Here the ranking for fun factors in positive coaching:
Children cite ‘fun’ as the primary reason for participation in organized sport and its absence as the number one reason for youth sport attrition. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop a theoretical framework of fun using a novel mixed-method assessment of participants in sport (FUN MAPS) via concept mapping.
Repetition without repetition
Rivers of thinking
„If we help players to solve the tactical problem they face, will they work out the best technique themselves without needing us to be explicit about this?“
„If they can solve this problem, will this create new techniques that break down barriers and create new solutions? And what is the ‘right technique’ anyway?“
This are two questions out of more on a new blog. Read more on
The fear of the goalie..
This is a little foray to strong mental situations in soccer. It is from an interview with Prof. Daniel Memmert about statistics about penalty shooting. What influences the goalie or the shooter, what supports them in this strange situation?
It refers to the „choking under pressure“ phenomenon.
The penalty – the fear… (only in german!)
Richtig großes Tennis
„Differenzielles Lernen im Fußball.“ 😉
Beim DFB-Pokalviertelfinale des VFB Stuttgart gegen Borussia Dortmund (1:3) warfen BVB-Fans Tennisbälle auf den Platz und hielten ein Transparent „Ganz großes Tennis“ hoch, um auf die steigenden Eintrittspreise in den Fußballstadien aufmerksam zu machen. Quelle: Die Welt, 9.2.2016
Nun wissen wir, dass BVB Coach Thomas Tuchel sehr viel mit differenziellem Training arbeitet und sich dazu auch Rat bei Prof. Wolfgang Schöllhorn holt (Tuchel hat in Mainz bei Schöllhorn studiert). Dass nun auch die Dortmunder Fans dies aufgreifen ist für uns ein Hinweis auf die zunehmende Würdigung des differenziellen Lernens 😉 .
Differencial learning in soccer.
In the quarterfinal of the german soccer Richtig großes Tennis weiterlesen