„Man braucht nicht zu wissen, was „gut“ oder „richtig“ ist, um zu wissen, was „besser“ oder „schlechter“ ist.“
Matthias Varga von Kibéd, Logiker und Wissenschaftstheoretiker
„Man braucht nicht zu wissen, was „gut“ oder „richtig“ ist, um zu wissen, was „besser“ oder „schlechter“ ist.“
Matthias Varga von Kibéd, Logiker und Wissenschaftstheoretiker
„Es weiß ja inzwischen jeder Lernpsychologe, dass einen stures Wiederholen von ein und demselben Bewegungsablauf nicht wirklich richtig weiterbringt. Im Basketball gab es mal zwei Testgruppen: Die eine hat 5000 Mal von der gleichen Stelle geworfen, die andere 5000 Mal von einer immer leicht veränderten Position. Und jetzt raten Sie mal, welche Gruppe sich nachweislich um 20 bis 30 Prozent verbessert hat? Wir halten vom repetitiven Lernen der immer gleichen Situation eher weniger.“
(Ralf Rangnick, Sportdirektor beim Fußball-Bundesligisten RB Leipzig, 2016)
„Everything that makes a difference makes a difference and is the base for learning.“ (Frercks Hartwig, innercoaching-blog.de)
„The evidence of motion transfers tells us a lot about the importance of a wide range of basic learning in many different sports and about free play. And it tells us – of cause – about the danger of an early specialisation.“ (Frercks Hartwig, innercoaching-blog.de)
“The more you think about it, the more you mess it up.” (PhD Manish Saggar)
„Act always so as to increase the number of choices.“ (Heinz von Foerster)
„Systems are unique.“ (Gregory Bateson)
“Instead of allowing in new thoughts and trying something different they do what all the others do. Then they feel that they cannot be wrong. The Swedish words for security and inertia (trygghet och tröghet) sound very alike and what is reassuring is often too slow and difficult to change. This is often reinforced by players who become coaches and coaches who become managers. So it is often people with the same experiences that control operations in our football clubs”. (Per-Göran Fahlström, Footblogball interview January 2016)
„…the provision of too much extrinsic feedback is suggested to bread an over-reliance of the coach, and impair an individual’s ability to independently process an evaluate information.“
(Miguel Crespo et al, „Skill acquisation in tennis: Research and current practice. 2007)
„The ideas about teaching and learning have changed dramatically over the past decades. For a long time, the view was that learners had to be „filled“ with knowledge and behavior „like by a funnel“. It is not uncommon to try to force this knowledge by force. But the times of supposedly unambiguous and non-questionable movement regulations are also a thing of the past in the technology transfer.
Serious teaching methods are geared to learners, their needs and interests. The 5-time Swedish Wimbledon winner Björn Borg has asked years ago: „Do not let yourself be influenced by rigorous tennis teacher rules. Discover your individual abilities, do not be afraid to experiment with anything that will benefit your game. “
(Stefan Schaffelhuber in: Inner Coaching, 1993)