Schlagwort-Archive: Inner Coaching

Ein Appetizer

Die Vorträge beim Bayrischen Tennisverband (BTV) und beim Württembergischen Tennisbund (WTB) über „Neue Wege im Tennistraining – vom Inner Game zum Differenziellen Lernen“ hatten immer etwas Gutes: das Feedback der Teilnehmer*innen, jeweils C/B-Trainer*innen bei der Trainer*innenfortbildung des Verbandes.

Die Reaktionen reichen von ungläubigem Staunen über heftige Kritik bis zu heller Begeisterung und Zustimmung.

Ich habe mich nun entschlossen, den Vortrag in ein Video zu packen, da das Thema aktueller denn je ist und es höchste Zeit ist, dass die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zum motorischen Lernen auch bei den Tennistrainer*innen und an der Basis ankommen. Leider lässt sich im Tennistraining noch viel zu häufig der alte „methodische Traditionalismus“ mit einer starken Technikorientierung vor spielerischem und selbstbestimmten Lernen beobachten.

Der Vortrag und die im Schnellverfahren beschriebenen „Neuen Wege“, die manchmal schon ältere, aber nicht wertgeschätzte Trainingsmethoden sind, sollen Kolleg*innen anregen, ausgetretene Pfade zu verlassen und Wege zu gehen, die auch ihnen die Arbeit in einem immer komplexer werdenden Bereich erleichtern können.

Das komplette Video soll bis Ende Januar veröffentlicht werden. Solange empfehle ich Euch diesen Blog und den Inner Coaching Kanal auf youtube.

From Inner Coaching to „Coaching in sports“

The Blog now has the title
„Coaching in sports – new ways in learning“. Started with the thoughts and ideas of Timothy Gallwey and others about Inner Game and Inner Coaching the scaffolding of the blog is more. From there, we started thinking outside the box.

We included all aspects with an evidence-based background that deliver a change in coaching in sports („new ways in learning“): constraints led approach, external focus, differential learning, non-linear pedagogy, implicit learning, theory of dynamical systems,….

And it is not at an end.


Quality before quantity

One important substance of my Inner Coaching (TMS) approach, what includes „trick the mind drills“, implicit -differential learning, constraints led approach and non-linear pedagogy, is this:

A high range is to be replaced by a high learning intensity. Quality before quantity.


Inner Coaching 1993

„The ideas about teaching and learning have changed dramatically over the past decades. For a long time, the view was that learners had to be „filled“ with knowledge and behavior „like by a funnel“. It is not uncommon to try to force this knowledge by force. But the times of supposedly unambiguous and non-questionable movement regulations are also a thing of the past in the technology transfer.

Serious teaching methods are geared to learners, their needs and interests. The 5-time Swedish Wimbledon winner Björn Borg has asked years ago: „Do not let yourself be influenced by rigorous tennis teacher rules. Discover your individual abilities, do not be afraid to experiment with anything that will benefit your game. “

(Stefan Schaffelhuber in: Inner Coaching, 1993)

Tennistraining Junior and Inner Coaching published:

Frercks Hartwig: Effektives Lernen mit Inner Coaching. Coaches guide for a varied and versatile training. „Here is the coach supporter, companion and facilitator of learning processes“. Bezzenberger-Verlag, Heppenheim, August 2016

Here the complete article Effektives Lernen, Neue Wege im Tennistraining and more useful informations in „Tennistraining Junior 4/2016“.

Meeting Coaches

Everybody can learn to play tennis, as he learned to walk, when he was a child.

„How can you think an hit at the same time?“ Choking under pressure influences pros and beginners

What does a good player need?

players selforganization and autonomy

„What is the coach good for“ 😉

TMS Coach Frercks Hartwig describes differencial learning in an example out of soccer


The background

Evidence based coaching

What can you find, when we talk about „INNER COACHING (TMS)“?

Which ideas and theories, which methodological approach makes us believe, that this, in his entirety new way of teaching and learning motor skills is the easier and faster way for coaches and learners? I’ve composed the most important elements. If you want to know more about one of these ideas, research results and concepts, you can enter it into the search bar and get further information there.