Schlagwort-Archive: Brain

Learning needs good sleep

Surely you have players that are impatient in practice and matches. Things should happen immediately. But you are convinced that learning implicitly and differentially is sustainable and more efficient. Of course this requires the confidence of coach and player himself in his self-organization ability“.

By the coach suscribed solutions are often only short-term „false solutions“. Learning processes find place in such practice, but they are not directly stansustainably implemented generally.

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Music makes people feel more powerful

If you have followed our Inner Coaching Blog for a longer time, you surely remember the importance of using music in learning, trainings, in the preparation of the game and singing as a „trick-the-mind-drill“ to avoid choking under pressure.

A new study (Pump up the music) shows the positive effects of music, when the athlet is waiting and preparing for the match. Especially the bass in the music seems to make the player feel powerful. Music seemingly empowers him to do great things.

This is an effect, we can also use for motion learning. We can use popular and beloved music to motivate the players, we can use music to give the game a faster or slower rhythm, music „opens doors“ in the brain, where we can find an easier access to stored solutions, music assists the brain in setting links, music helps us to relax.

Stop and go

Here is a nice tennis specific warm-up drill. We use neurological findings, when players are asked to talk, while playing rallies. We know these phenomens from the „Ham-Sa-Mantra-Drill“ or from the „Hopp-Hit-Drill“. This improves concentration, rhythm, and has the positive effects of a „Trick-the-mind-Drill“ where we want to avoid thinking about the technique.

Play rallies with you partner from the service-line. Stop and control the ball with one side (for example with the forehand), let it jump and play it over the net with the other side (if you have stopped the ball with the forehand, then play it to your partner with the backhand, etc). Say „Stop“, when you stop the ball with your racket, say „and“, when the ball bounces and „go“, when you play the ball to your partner.


Stop and play with the same side

Stop and then play a halfvolley (with the same side or with the other side)

White bears

Mitten im Match nagt immer der gleiche Gedanke an Dir. Auch wenn alles super läuft, fürchtest Du doch diese eine Situation, die „immer wieder kommt“. „Bloß nicht dran denken..“ hilft nicht. Wenn Du Dir vornimmst, nicht an weiße Bären zu denken, dann holen sie Dich immer wieder ein….. das nennt man den „Zeigarnik-Effekt“. Hier sind 5 Auswege beschrieben.

Always in the middle of the match the same idea is nagging you. Even when everything is going great, you fear the situation that „always comes back.“ „Just do not think about it ..“ does not help. If you do not want to think about white bears, then they follow you….. this is called the „Zeigarnik effect“. Here are 5 ways out of this:
