Schlagwort-Archive: paradoxical intervention


fragezeichenEine Frage: Sind nicht-wiederholte, also einmalige technische Anleitungen im Training, wie „Hol früher aus“, „Stell Dich seitlich“, „Obere Schleife“ „Linkes-Bein-vor“,  „In-die-Knie“ gleichzeitig paradoxe Interventionen und damit Trainingsformen im Sinne eines Differenziellen Lernens?

A question: Are non-repeated, so only one-time used technical informations in coaching, such as „get your racket back sooner„, take the right foot in front“, and so on, a paradoxical intervention and thus drills mentioned by differential learning?

Why we do something and believe it is „good“… (…while it is not)

It might be helpful for coaches, if they believe, that they know, what they are doing. Then they can answer the question „why they do something, like they do it“. If that, what coaches do, has the effect they expect, this means, it must be „good“ for the client and naturally for the coach. But this is not reliable. What we believe in is a construction, that we attach to our view on the world and human nature and comes out of our individual experiences.

However, our players and clients are always different in their uniqueness and in the context of their referring system. In systemic consulting and training I’ve learned, that interventions of a coach can have exactly the opposite effect. Regardless of whether the coach can justify the action. Why we do something and believe it is „good“… (…while it is not) weiterlesen

Paradoxical Interventions

Paradoxical interventions offer coaches new flexibility in dealing with athletes that may prove beneficial to both parties. Well-timed and individually tailored interventions can have the effect of helping the athlete turn a frustrating situation into a humorous one (BarEli, 1991). Humor is often a side effect of a good paradoxical intervention as it helps to create a distancing effect from the problem situation. This serves to relax the athlete, which is usually a significant part of the problem. Paradoxical coaching can be applied to any event in track and field where athletes are mired in making repetitive technical mistakes and not able to correct them with the usual methods. (siehe auch: Bar-Eli, M. (1991). On the use of paradoxical interventions in counseling and coaching in sport. The Sport Psychologist. 5, 61-72)