Failure found to be an “Essential Prerequisite” for success
Schlagwort-Archive: science based
Science and practice
Apply sport science basics
Tennis Players & Coaches – Apply Sport Science Basics to Tennis Specific Training. How do different athletic qualities fit into the program of a tennis player? This is a complex question but one that deserves an answer. With information being so readily accessible, there are countless videos of players doing all kinds of things off the tennis court. But just because a top 100 or 50 player is doing X or Y, does it mean it’s effective? Is it driven by some underlying scientific basis? Often times, it’s not. It’s a regurgitation of someone else’s training or a drill that was once seen before. If you’re a player, and someone is telling you to do squats on a stability ball…or ladder drills to develop footwork and speed…seek alternatives as these are merely gimmicks that have little transfer to elevated sporting performance. Apply sport science basics weiterlesen
Cultural lag
The cultural lag in the implementation of scientific knowledge in sports game teaching in particular in tennis
In the past few years a lot has happened in the methodology and didactics of tennis coaching. The „methodical traditionalism“, oriented exclusively to the teaching of a textbook technique has been pushed back and the setting of many coaches has changed as a result of „play and stay“ and playful learning. Following and respecting the learning age and the state of development of the player, using customized materials (different balls, rackets, playing fields and competition forms) and mainly letting the learners play.
Nevertheless there we can observe certain phenomena, which I would describe as „appendix“ from the textbook-oriented coaching of tennis and of methodical traditionalism. Cultural lag weiterlesen