Archiv der Kategorie: Tennistraining

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Differential learning and proprioception

Differential learning (DL) and developing of grundstrokes by changing variations. Player starts from balance pad with fast steps on pad. The coach feeds balls out of the basket. Player plays the ball with the forehand crosscourt.

The essential of DL is to varify tasks and situations. One situation is only used in one training, In the next one, we set new .


  • hanging the position of the pad
  • different tasks on the pad (on one leg, with the back to the coach, standing sidewards,…)
  • changing the position of the pad
  • changing ballfeed (in the video the coach throws the ball over (!) the baseline
  • changing target (longline, cross, long, short, with spin, small target, finishing the point with an opponent,…)
  • different pads

This drill additionally develops the proprioceptive awareness.

Variation statt Wiederholung

In der nächsten Ausgabe der Fachzeitschrift TennisSport befasse ich mich erneut mit dem Differenziellen Lernen im Tennis. Diesmal geht es um die Taktikentwicklung. Im Vordergrund stehen vielfältige Trainingsbeispiele, die ein kreativitätförderndes, spielerzentriertes Training ermöglichen.

Spieler*innen legen Zielfelder oder „Tabufelder“nach eigenen taktischen Überlegungen.

Constraints – your ideas?

In einem Facebook-Post habe ich nach Ideen für den abgebildeten Aufbau gefragt. Hier nun die Beschreibung meiner Idee:

Auflösung: In diesem Beispiel für differenzielles Lernen (Taktik- UND Technikentwicklung) durch veränderte Rahmenbedingungen war die Aufgabe folgende:

vorgezogener Aufschlag von der Midcourt-Linie (gelbe Linie quer), danach Punkt ausspielen.


  • Punkt im Einzelfeld ausspielen;
  • Punkt im 1/2 Einzelfeld gerade;
  • Punkt im 1/2 Einzelfeld diagonal (gelbe Linie in der Mitte);
  • Punkt im 1/2 Doppelfeld;
  • nur 1 Aufschlag;
  • unterschiedliche Bälle;
  • nur Vorhand;
  • 2. Ball muss Volley gespielt werden; ….

One or Two

Another practice example for differential learning. The instruction that players have to let the ball „once“ or „twice“ changes the perception and provokes a wider range of speed and distance. Following the instructions means to varify racketspeed and technique.

We practice one of the described drills only once or twice in a trainingseason. In the following training sessions we play at best variations (repetition without repetition!).

Science based or arbitrariness

There is a very exciting discussion in the Facebook Group Tennis.Haus about the review on studies about the game-based approach (GBA). This ranges from full approval to the GBA to the defense of the technology-oriented approach. Striking are in the debate but the nuances. After that, that’s just good for the athletes, what works. Even if scientific knowledge is completely neglected.

I am very divided. It certainly seems presumptuous to question the training practice of successful coaches. On the other hand, I am aware that numerous factors are responsible for the athlets success. Methods and didactics of tennis training are only one component among many. But would’nt it be more responsible to the players, if such successful coaches would coach to their obvious strengths even more evidence-based? The following is my answer on the discussion on Tennis.Haus.

„The thing is that you can become a very good tennis player if your coaches are strictly orientated towards an ideal technique and continuous technique corrections are elementary components of their training. Just like one of the most creative players of his time, Björn Borg said: Science based or arbitrariness weiterlesen