Aufgrund urheberrechtlicher Fragen bezüglich der Hintergrundmusik haben wir unsere Skoaching-Videos überarbeitet.
Viel Spaß beim erneuten Anschauen der mittlerweile 5 Videos mit Inner Coaching Drills…
Due to copyright issues, we have revised our Skoaching videos. Have fun watching them…
Traffic Lights:
„Just Sing“ ist ein neues Skoaching-Video. Diesmal mit einem Inner Coaching Drill und singenden und summenden Spieler_innen und der Erkenntnis, dass mit Musik und Trick the mind-Drills alles leichter geht…
„Just Sing“ is a new Skoaching video. This time with a musical drill and singing and humming players and the realization that with music and Trick the mind-Drills everything goes easier …
Made by Frercks Hartwig und Lars Hipp, supported by HEAD.
The next video is online! Another skoaching-video about Inner Coaching! We go on with the „Traffic Light Drill“! Red or green, hard or easy to hit….. Have fun and if you need more informations and videos, follow us on twitter oder facebook!
Here you find the german description of the drill.
It is online! Our first skoaching-video about Inner Coaching! We start with the famous hopp-hit-drill! May be, you know it as the „1-2-drill“ or the „bounce-hit-drill“. Have fun and if you need more informations and videos, follow us on twitter oder facebook!
We go on! Our design specialist Lars Hipp is creating video clips to show you some of our inner coaching drills. Be prepared! It will be a totally new way to explain inner coaching! And we hope we touch your senses!
a blog for coaches and players