Schlagwort-Archive: footblogball

Security and inertia

“Instead of allowing in new thoughts and trying something different they do what all the others do. Then they feel that they cannot be wrong. The Swedish words for security and inertia (trygghet och tröghet) sound very alike and what is reassuring is often too slow and difficult to change. This is often reinforced by players who become coaches and coaches who become managers. So it is often people with the same experiences that control operations in our football clubs”. (Per-Göran Fahlström, Footblogball interview January 2016)

Let them fill it with life…

learning spaceVery interesting comment about constraints led coaching in soccer with some nice examples about changing rules and environment:
„Take responsibility for “WHAT” but the concept of “HOW” the players must themselves fill with life…. As Nick Levett said in a previous blog we want our young learners “to recognise the local and global picture of the game where they can use their skill by finding and adapting the right techniques to solve the problem. We take responsibility for “WHAT” (structure), but the concept of “HOW” (variability) the players must themselves fill with life.“
Found on „footblogball„, the blog about Learning-Coaching-Playing