Schlagwort-Archive: theory of systems

Matt Kuzdub on dynamical systems theory and coaching tennis

Some things are wonderful 🙂 . One of them is to find somebody, who shares my convictions. Matt Kuzdub, tennis coach, and a facebook friend, has written a wonderful statement about non-linear pedagogy and the dynamical systems theory and what it means for learning and coaching in tennis. I am working with kids and players, who  come for one or two hours in the week to play tennis under the guidance of a professional coach. Matt is working with very ambitioned players and goes with them significantly more intense. But he shares my perception: there is a better way to learn and to coach. And it is evidence based!

One minute of silence


As a coach, I had to learn to be quiet! I had an imagination about the best forehand, or about holding the racket, playing a volley. I knew, how it is shown in the textbook or how it exists in my brain. I know a lot about motion analysis, and I thought, I should know, how it works. But this was only my special view. After some years of coaching, and after having a training in theory of systems and constructivism, I „saw“, that I can not see, One minute of silence weiterlesen