Dance with the ball….

dirk-nowitzki„It’s like dancing and playing at the same time….“

Anfang September startet die Basketball-Europameisterschaft. Zur Freude der deutschen Fans wird auch Dirk Nowitzki mit dabei sein. Schon längst hat der Würzburger in den USA Legendenstatus erreicht und auch in Deutschland gehört Dirkules zu den bekanntesten Sportlern überhaupt.

In diesem Video zeigt Holger Geschwindner welche außergewöhnlichen Trainingsmethoden er anwendet. Geschwindner hat zum Erfolg von Dirk Nowitzki mit seinen unkonventionellen Trainingsmethoden wesentlich beigetragen.

Ein Tag mit Holger auf seinem Basketball-Camp am Starnberger See zeigt, wie er noch immer junge Talente fördert und durch seinen unkonventionellen Trainingsansatz den Horizont der Spieler erweitert.

Video Vice Sports

In early September starts the European Basketball Championship. To the delight of the German fans Dirk Nowitzki will be with it. Long ago the wurzburger has reached legendary status in the USA and also in Germany. Dirk is one of the most successful international athletes ever.

This video shows what Holger Geschwindners exceptional training methods employs. Geschwindner is the man who has made Dirk, with his unconventional training methods, to the player he is today.

A day with Holger at his basketball camp on Lake Starnberg shows how he still promotes young talents and by his unconventional approach to training he broadens the mind of the players.

Praise the error

„The ability to stop and consider a response, to use the experience of a wrong choice as a guide in making the next decision, relates to executive functions (…). Learning from our mistakes is profoundly important in everyday life, and Hillman’s study shows that exercise – or at least the resulting fitness levels – can have a powerful impact on the fundamental skill.“ (out of Ratey, J. „Spark“, 2008, p 26)

One dimension game

In the one-dimensional games, the focus is on a particular block of tactics (see the gap …). Specific frames and conditions guarantee a game in small, manageable teams, on different goals, in different designed gameareas and with certain rules to allow recurring game situations with a high number of repetitions.

This is done in terms of implicit learning. The children should learn, without explicit coaching interventions from the coach. creatively and thereby surprisingly
for the opponent, effective, efficient, and targeted to solve game situations.

One dimension game weiterlesen

Über den Tellerrand… Spielerisches Lernen und frühzeitige Spezialisierung

Marco Henseling beschäftigt sich in seinem Beitrag auf mit spielorientiertem Training im Nachwuchsbereich des Fußballs. Sein Artikel beschreibt die Bedeutung des spielerischen Lernens anhand der Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen. In der folgenden Grafik macht er noch einmal deutlich, welche Konsequenzen die frühzeitige Spezialisierung auf eine Sportart für den Athleten haben kann.

Grafik 9, Entwicklungsmodell sportlicher Betätigung

Teaching Tactical Creativity – Dr. Daniel Memmert

This is a link to an interview with Dr. Daniel Memmert, who is a Professor and head of the Institute of Cognitive and Team/Racket Sport Research at the German sport University of Cologne.  Published on footblogball.

„An isolated technical training only results in the problem that techniques cannot be related to situations and therefore a tactic cannot be trained. We know from studies that technical training is not as effective as combined technical-perception training and cannot be applied as variable. It is important that children Teaching Tactical Creativity – Dr. Daniel Memmert weiterlesen

Quality first

danmarkWe are talking about quality versus quantity in coaching tennis. There seems to be a consense, that the focus should be on quality. But how can we decide, what is „quality“ in tennis training? Who decides how a high quality tennis coaching could look like?

This brings me back to the point, I have already discussed on, that we have to develop an evidence based coaching!

Have you heard about the danish soccer club FC Midtjylland, 2015 champion in Danmark? With the help of computers, science and probability theory!

a blog for coaches and players