Schlagwort-Archive: motor learning

Juggling with the soccer ball

Frieder Beck („Sport macht schlau“, Berlin, Goldegg-Verlag, 2014) verdanke ich eine nette Anregung zur Beschreibung und Überprüfung unserer Inner Coaching Gedanken: Übe Dich im Jonglieren mit dem Fußball.

Anhand dieses Beispiels lassen sich auch die Ergebnisse aus der Neurobiologie und der Gehirnforschung beschreiben. Mit Gehen lernen und dem Jonglieren von Bällen mit den Händen habe ich schon gezeigt, wie der Mensch implizit (aus der Situation sich ergebend) und ohne explizite Anleitungen (das wären die Beschreibungen einer „richtigen“ Technik) lernt. Entscheidend für das Denken des Lernenden ist der Effekt der Bewegung Juggling with the soccer ball weiterlesen

Skill acquisition in tennis

I’m always looking for studies about motor learning. They give us informations about motor learning and about best way to support our clients.

Skill acquisition in tennis: research and current practice.

by Reid M, Crespo M, Lay B, Berry J.


Common to most tennis players is the desire to improve performance. Equipped with the necessary motivation, these players can spend countless hours rehearsing tennis‘ skills under the guidance of a coach. Often, these practices feature repetitious hitting, with little consideration given to the actual context in which the game’s skills are expressed. Alternatively, training sessions that amount to little more than poorly structured game-play, devoid of any specific goals or objectives, are also discernible. Either way, player learning and long-term performance are unlikely to be optimised. So, where tennis coaches have long relied on certain instructional approaches and types of practices to enhance player performance, their efficacy is uncertain. Indeed, a growing body of research suggests that players stand to benefit from the earlier introduction of variable and random practices and feedback that is more intrinsic in nature rather than time-honoured overly prescriptive coaching. This review considers contemporary skill acquisition research in relation to current tennis coaching practice.