“You can learn math, french, bowling. But you can also learn to be more empathetic, passionate, focused, consistent, persistent and twenty-seven other attitudes. If you can learn to be better at something, it’s a skill. And if it’s a skill, it’s yours if you want it. Which is great news, isn’t it?”
(Seth Godin, zitiert nach Trevor Ragan, trainugly)
„There is a major gap between what the science says about learning and development and the way that most of us approach coaching – it’s our mission to change that.“ (Trevor Ragan on trainugly.com)
How I would like to be there and listen to all those sportsmen and experts of motor learning. May be another day…
Trevor Ragan gave me the chance to ask some questions, that could be answered at the conference! This are my questions:
„Do you think, we need „evidence based“ coaching?“
„What could be universal principles in motor learning or should we have a different look to any kind of sport?“
„And when, what could be „universal principles in learning tennis?“
„In a sport with high demands in coordination, do we have to coach the technique (first) or can we trust in the self-organization abilities of the players? There seems to be an accordance in science for good players, but not for beginners.“
This one goes in the same direction:
„Do we need to coach skills explicit or is using implicit learning more evident, like a lot of studies affirm?“
„Train ugly“ ist die Homepage von Trevor Ragan. Für alle, die sich für motorisches Lernen, Neurowissenschaft und Sport interessieren, eine Fundgrube an Ideen und Interviews mit erfolgreichen Coaches, die die Bedeutung der Gehirnforschung für das Lernen und für ihr Training erkannt haben. Coaches, die aus den alten Fahrrinnen des methodischen Traditionalismus ausscheren und neue Wege gehen.