Schlagwort-Archive: implicit learning

Alternative Wege im Tennistraining

Hier finden Sie die Präsentation zu meinem Vortrag mit Praxisdemonstration bei der C/B-Trainer*innen-Fortbildung beim Bayrischen Tennisbund in Oberhaching im Oktober 2017. Vielen Dank an die Teilnehmer*innen für Ihre Fragen und Diskussionsbeiträge.
Die meisten der in München vorgestellten Trainingsformen finden Sie über die Suche-Funktion im Blog oben rechts. Einfach „Drill“ eingeben.

This is the presentation at the coaches conference at the BTV in october 2017. It includes informations about „new“ or „alternative“ ways of coaching tennis evidence based.

This looks easy….

This might look easy, …

but the constraints led approach in coaching is a lot of preparation and a lot of knowledge about learning principles.

In this videos, Mark Upton and colleagues talk about creating an instability in the learner and the advantages of implicit learning.

drowningintheshallow – Educational Blog with a focus on PE and Sport

Trough the middle

Nonlinear pedagogy in coaching tennis. Another constraints led drill. This time to improve the precision of your service and to confront the returner with differing situations in a game situation. Serving through the „middle“ is an important skill for doubles.

Nonlineare Pädagogik im Tennistraining. Ein weiterer durch Einschränkungen manipulierter Trainingsdrill zur Verbesserung und Erweiterung der Bewegungs-, Technik- und Taktikoptionen. Ziele: Verbesserung der Auschlagspräzision und Konfrontation des Rückschlägers mit veränderten Rahmenbedingungen in Spielsituationen. Der Aufschlag durch die MItte ist eine wichtige Fähigkeit für das Doppelspiel.

Facebook groups in good discussions

There are very good discussions in some facebook groups about non linear (implicit) and linear (explicit) coaching in tennis. While we have a lot of studies about implicit learning in sports like basketball, cricket and volleyball, there is still a lack of targeted research in tennis. At the same time accustomed truths beginn to waver. Methodical traditionalism with clear statement to „technique coaching first“ is no more the only way to coach, yes it is heavily critisized.  Action approach and game based learning are essential elements in the Play and Stay concept of the ITF and of national tennis associations all over the world with changing constraints like balls, fields, rackets, rules and more. But there is coming up a confrontation between the representatives of a „both is possible“ and those who plead for the purity of implicit learning.

In any case there are some clues that indicate the need to overthink traditional explicit coaching that has a primarly focus on the players technique. Facebook groups in good discussions weiterlesen

Peace of cake 2

Constraints led coaching: modify court-size.

(This drill is created by Chris Koehler, TMS Coach)

A and B play rallies. The size of court is modified (picture). This makes a difference and forces both players to a modified view on the game and on tactic.

You can play matches in the violet court or in the yellow court (advanced players). Picture 1 is for warm-up in the service-fields.

Players are forced to to overthink their strategies. Peace of cake 2 weiterlesen

Service implicit

Shaun Sharp born in Heidelberg, Australia ;-), working  as tennis coach at the Meehan Tennis Academy in Melbourne, Australia, describes an implicit drill do improve and develop the service:

„I’ve been doing a serving drill where players serve from various positions in court, to varying targets….normally not to service boxes, and allow the students to work out how to serve ball to each target….
Via exploration and some visual or verbal instruction the students are able to discover how to best achieve the goal that is set.
It enables the kids to practice the flat serve, slice serve and kick serve without any explicit instructions….and kids are able to solve the motor problems themselves.“

The frames of implicit skill acquisation

In 2007 Machar Reid, Miguel Crespo and Brandon Lay wrote an article on the acquisition of tennis skills in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, in which they reviewed the state of research and current practice. They come to the conclusion, that implicit learning brings better results but a differential view on the implicit approach is necessary. This is in one point due to the fact that there can be no pure implicit learning. To rely exclusively on liberate play leads in the long term to unfavorable skills and limited tactical creativity. The frames of implicit skill acquisation weiterlesen

Serving and controlling ball throw

 Bild in Originalgröße anzeigen A player has problems with the ballthrow. She always has one ball in her hand, and the second ball is in the pants/skirts pocket.

The idea of the coach is, that too many joints are used throwing the ball: fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder. That makes the control of the ball throw more difficult. Under an internal focus, the player observes, according to the coach’s instructions, to let the arm stretched. However, in several studies on external focus and implicit learning, the authors conclude that an external focus is more helpful and implicit learning is more effective and sustainable. Serving and controlling ball throw weiterlesen