Learning is an never ending process. As I have talked about some posts before, I am working as a mentor for the Heidelberger Ballschule. They make wonderful conferences and workshops for coaches and teachers about playing and supporting kids to create their base for a lifetime presence in ball sports.
This days they send me some literature so I can prepare myself for the workshops I will have to manage. It is so amazing to read. Complete hours of practice, so much theory and science about implicit learning. Let’s go.
This picure shows some basic literature that leads to another view on learning. Starting with „Inner Game in Tennis“ by Timothy Gallwey over „Choke“ by Sian Beilock to „Non linear pedagogy in skill acquisation“ by Jia Yi Chow et al. Studies by Wolfgang Schöllhorn, Gabriele Wulf (external focus), Keith Davids. Most of the literature and studies is from other sports than tennis. On this blog you can find more informations by Nick Winkelmann, Machar Reid, Marc O’Sullivan. Search for „constraints led approach“ or „implicit learning“.
a blog for coaches and players