Archiv der Kategorie: Nonlinear pedagogy

Targets IV

Posted by Matt Kuzdub on Mittwoch, 13. September 2017

Nice drill, posted by Matt Kuzdub. By itself and with some variations, this is also a good exercise to improve decision making and executive functions. By the way we can use it as „Trick the mind“-Drills to improve mental strength.

1. set target on both sides;
2. use targets in different colours (f.e. one red and one white):
a) player announces the target before hitting the ball („red“ or „white“);
b) coach announces the target (colour);
c) player or coach uses animal names for the targets (red=“tiger“; white=“cheetah“)
d) coach or player announces target (colour) and speed or spin (f.e. „red-topspin“ or „red-save“, ….)
e) player or coach announces target (animal) and uses another animal name for spin or ball height (f.e. „snake=flat“, „giraffe= high over the net“), then f.e. „tiger-snake“ or „tiger-giraffe“,….


Serving from somewhere…

This is a constraints led practice drill. Serving from a line, 1,5 m behind the baseline and in extension of the single line.

Improving service, court covery and creativity in a game based and constraints led drill.

You can play f.e. 10 points from the deuce court side and 10 points from the add court side or you can play a regular counted game.

More about the contraints led approach and the service:

Serving from somewhere… weiterlesen

This looks easy….

This might look easy, …

but the constraints led approach in coaching is a lot of preparation and a lot of knowledge about learning principles.

In this videos, Mark Upton and colleagues talk about creating an instability in the learner and the advantages of implicit learning.

drowningintheshallow – Educational Blog with a focus on PE and Sport

Think differently

We have talked a lot about non-linear pedagogy in modern ways to teach skills in many sports. This is very often a view on the details of helping young and older players to improve their expertise in their games.

The following article by Wayne Goldsmith sets a brighter view on the pathway coaches, society and sports industry seem to go. Goldsmith describes that there is something wrong with this idea of a defined „sports pathway“. There is, as we have recognized in coaching skills and tactics, nothing linear.

This is something very important that influences our view on our sport and on our clients!

As in particular (in trainings and coaching) we need a global view: „You’ve got to start again and think differently.“

The Sport Pathway – Has Lost its Path.

Tic Tac Toe

In the main season, this is in Germany in the months May to August, there is not so much time to think about theories or to read special literature about coaching. but it is the time of practice and developing drills.

One of my favourite – one of a lo – is the „Tic Tac Toe“ – drill, a constraints led coaching drill to improve tactics under pressure.

Training goals are improving tactics and mental strength, to play under pressure and having a lot of fun 🙂 .

„No limits“ – double drill

The double field is enlarged behind the base line to the fence that surrounds the court (yellow lines). Draw additional lines from base-/doubleline to the fence

Drill to improve tactics, reaction, court recovery in doubles, dialogue, special skills like volley (topspin), withstanding high pressure and playing lob and smash.

And a lot of fun 🙂 .