Archiv der Kategorie: Nonlinear pedagogy


TennisSport is a journal for coaches and players. You find informations for your trainings, drills and informations about new ways of coaching. Frercks Hartwig from gives an overview about theory about non-linear pedagogy and differential learning and some examples to improve the service in tennis.

Let’s go

You can do the „Ham-Sa“ drill, which is similar to the ‚1-2″ and the „hopp-hit“ drill, with kids by using names with two syllables like „Hann-nah“ or other two short words like „go-up“, „let’s – go“, etc to give the mind a job. Do it in the red court and with the red ball.

These drills are classic „trick the mind“ strategies. in this child-friendly version the drills also give the kids a feeling of the rhythm of the jumping ball.  Other effects are promoting concentration and focusing.

Ham-sa Mantra

More to read

Learning is an never ending process. As I have talked about some posts before, I am working as a mentor for the Heidelberger Ballschule. They make wonderful conferences and workshops for coaches and teachers about playing and supporting kids to create their base for a lifetime presence in ball sports.

This days they send me some literature so I can prepare myself for the workshops I will have to manage. It is so amazing to read. Complete hours of practice, so much theory and science about implicit learning. Let’s go.

Service implicit

TennisSport - Die Fachzeitschrift für Training und Wettkampf

Goodbye textbook skills!

Non-linear pedagogy and implicit-differencial learning exemplified by the service in tennis. With many games and drills for your trainings. Coming soon here and in TennisSport 4/2017 the journal for training and competition in tennis.

Written and developed by Frercks Hartwig

Idealtechnik ade!

Non-lineare Pädagogik und implizit-differenzielles Lernen am Beispiel des Aufschlags im Tennis. Mit vielen Drills für das Training. Demnächst hier und in TennisSport 4/2017, der Fachzeitschrift für Training und Wettkampf im Tennis.

Entwickelt und zusammengefasst von Frercks Hartwig

New visions

LogoThe Heidelberger Ballschule is coaching basics for ballgames. Frercks Hartwig from is working with this institution since November 2017. The structure and the goals are very similar to our Inner Coaching philosophy and focused on gamebased and implicit learning without technical instructions.

Focus on the score 2

Players A and B play points from the baseline, they play until 10. Coach is playing the ball in:

-the first of seven points starts with player A. A has seven strokes to win the point. If he hits the eighth, B wins the point

-with the second ball A has six strokes to win the point. If he hits the seventh, B wins the point

-with the third ball A has five strokes to win the point,…..

-with the seventh ball A has one stroke to win the point. If he hits second, B wins the point

-now B starts with the first stroke and has maximum seven strokes to win the point…..


  • player A or B play the ball in
  • with service


Focus on the score

Great book about Tennis psychology with a lot of drills. Most of them can be used in a constraints led approach. The following drill sets constraints by changing the rules for counting points. (Miguel Crespo, Machar Reid: Tennis Psychology, 200 + practical drills and the latest research. London 2006)

Players play points from the baseline:
-the first point played counts as 1 point
-the second and third point count as 2 points each
-the fourth and fifth point count as 3 points each
-the sixth and the seventh point count as 4 points each
-the eighth and ninth points played count as 5 points each
-the tenth point played counts as 6 points.
Players play 2 sets of 10 points. The same player serves throughout the set.


Spielerisches und implizites Lernen

In diesem Artikel finden Sie Spielformen für das Tennistraining mit  Kindern in der Übergangsphase von der Grundlagenausbildung (Ballschule) zum Spiel im Kleinfeld (U8/U10). Viel Spaß bei der Bildergebnis für bild DinosaurierUmsetzung.

Mini-Tennis_Spielformen für Kinder im Tennistraining

Alternative Wege im Tennistraining

Hier finden Sie die Präsentation zu meinem Vortrag mit Praxisdemonstration bei der C/B-Trainer*innen-Fortbildung beim Bayrischen Tennisbund in Oberhaching im Oktober 2017. Vielen Dank an die Teilnehmer*innen für Ihre Fragen und Diskussionsbeiträge.
Die meisten der in München vorgestellten Trainingsformen finden Sie über die Suche-Funktion im Blog oben rechts. Einfach „Drill“ eingeben.

This is the presentation at the coaches conference at the BTV in october 2017. It includes informations about „new“ or „alternative“ ways of coaching tennis evidence based.