„And, in general, sports still suffers from operating within a context of “fixing what is wrong” and a focus on teaching and giving prescriptive instructions. This works but is not the most effective approach. But we all have our blind spots.“ (Sean Brawley)
Archiv für den Monat: Oktober 2024
Let`s talk about quality in coaching tennis
This is a report by Frercks Hartwig from his training practice. Experiences are linked to current scientific positions. Published in TennisSports, a german magazin.
Don`t talk about technique
„If I ask somebody, who is well practiced in going stairs up and down, to pay attention to the bending angle of his knee joints, I must not be surprised, when he is landing on his nose.“ (Frercks Hartwig)
„Wenn ich jemanden, der geübt im Treppenlaufen ist, darum bitte, beim Treppen laufen auf den Beugungswinkel seiner Kniegelenke zu achten, dann muß ich mich nicht wundern, wenn er auf der Nase landet.“