Schlagwort-Archive: Tomaz Mencinger

The one-degree-error and about consequences for your game

Have you ever heard of the „1 degree error“? The slovenian colleague Tomaz Mencinger has calculated on his blog how much the direction of the ball flight changes with a one degree deviation within the contact ball-racket. He calculated this using the simplest of mathematical methods, not including additional factors such as the deviation of the racket position, such as air flow, the condition of the ball, and the tension of the string and neglecting vertical and horizontal deviation of the club position. But he gives us an idea.

He comes to the conclusion that with this minimal deviation in the racket position one misses the aimed target in the playing field by up to 41 cm. Of course, this explains why it is better to play the ball in the middle of the field in pressure situations. Actually mundane knowledge of a successful tactic on the tennis court.

It gets exciting when we consider what neurobiological research tells us about the “choking under pressure” phenomenon or the observation about “paralysis through analysis”.

The one-degree-error and about consequences for your game weiterlesen

Die „1-Grad-Abweichung“ und die Konsequenzen

Schon mal vom „1-Grad-Abweichung“ gehört? Der slowenische Kollege Tomaz Mencinger hat auf seinem Blog ausgerechnet, wie stark sich die Richtung des Ballflugs bei einer 1-Grad-Abweichung beim Treffpunkt Ball-Schläger verändert. Er hat das mit einfachsten mathematischen Methoden berechnet, die zusätzliche Faktoren wie Abweichung der Schlägerstellung, wie Luftströmung, Zustand des Balles, Bespannungshärte. vertikale und horizontale Abweichung der Schlägerstellung vernachlässigen.

Er kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass man schon mit dieser minimalen Abweichung in der Schlägerstellung das anvisierte Ziel im Spielfeld um bis zu 41 cm verfehlt. Das erklärt natürlich, warum es besser ist, in Drucksituationen den Ball eher in die Spielfeldmitte zu spielen. Eigentlich banales Wissen über eine erfolgreiche Taktik auf dem Tennisplatz.

Spannend wird es dann, wenn wir berücksichtigen, was uns die Forschung der Neurobiologie über das „choking under pressure“ Phänomen oder die Beobachtung zu „Paralyse durch Analyse“ sagt.

Die „1-Grad-Abweichung“ und die Konsequenzen weiterlesen

The Myth of the correct technique

Tomaz MencingerTomaz Mencinger, a colleague working as a tennis coach in slovenia, has very often interesting posts on his webside This time he wrote a nice article about „the myth of the correct technique“ and connected his thoughts with videos of Roger Federers forehand and more. Exciting the quote of Rafa Nadal:

„From the moment the ball is in motion, The Myth of the correct technique weiterlesen

The psychological consequences of explicit learning

In our view, for successful competitors it makes a difference, if we work in practice with explicit technical instructions or whether we „develop“ a suitable technique with the player on implicit tasks!

So far we have drawn attention to the benefits of individual and creative problem solving and the sustainability of a player on implicit technology development.

In our view, there is a more significant difference, which speaks for the implicit method. In the explicit teaching methodology the player learns the technique of a stroke from the perspective of the coach (and out of textbooks), which is connected to certain predetermined sequences (backswing, impact movement, movement to the ball, ….). Surely, there are more open and closer interpretations by explicitly working coaches. The psychological consequences of explicit learning weiterlesen