Schlagwort-Archive: motor learning


Johan Cruyff, soccer world champion and coach, in an interview about development in (children’s) sports using soccer as an example. About creativity in and through free play, the necessity of mistakes in the learning process. Modern sports, education and exercise concepts such as the Ballschule Heidelberg or Street Racket are looking for and offering ways back to the culture of street games or bringing street games into the halls.

Der Mythos der korrekten Technik

Zwei Kinder, welche Fußball spielen.

Ein Beitrag von outoftheb-ox über die Theorie der Entwicklung motorischer Fähigkeiten, den Mythos der korrekten Technik, Variabilität im Körper und Variabilität in der Bewegung.

Fazit: „Bewegungsvariabilität sollte im Training gefördert werden, um die Anpassungsfähigkeit von Bewegungslösungen zu verbessern und folglich nicht nur die sportliche Leistung der Sportlerin zu steigern, sondern auch das Verletzungsrisiko zu verringern. Das Üben einzelner Bewegungen zum Erlernen der “korrekten Technik” sollte vermieden werden. Stattdessen empfiehlt es sich das Training in einer realitätsnahen Situation durchzuführen, die es der Sportlerin erlaubt Umweltfaktoren wahrzunehmen und auf diese agil und variabel zu reagieren.“

„Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful“

George Box

Learning needs good sleep

Surely you have players that are impatient in practice and matches. Things should happen immediately. But you are convinced that learning implicitly and differentially is sustainable and more efficient. Of course this requires the confidence of coach and player himself in his self-organization ability“.

By the coach suscribed solutions are often only short-term „false solutions“. Learning processes find place in such practice, but they are not directly stansustainably implemented generally.

Learning needs good sleep weiterlesen

Let them fill it with life…

learning spaceVery interesting comment about constraints led coaching in soccer with some nice examples about changing rules and environment:
„Take responsibility for “WHAT” but the concept of “HOW” the players must themselves fill with life…. As Nick Levett said in a previous blog we want our young learners “to recognise the local and global picture of the game where they can use their skill by finding and adapting the right techniques to solve the problem. We take responsibility for “WHAT” (structure), but the concept of “HOW” (variability) the players must themselves fill with life.“
Found on „footblogball„, the blog about Learning-Coaching-Playing

Learn to move ist einmal mehr ein kleiner Exkurs. Ihr erinnert Euch vielleicht daran, dass wir darauf hingewiesen haben, wie Kinder Gehen lernen oder Sprachen lernen und dass wir dies mit unseren Ideen zum Bewegungslernen und im speziellen zum Lernen von sportlichen Bewegungen verbinden. Karen Adolph, Universität New York, beschreibt in diesem Video, wie Kinder Gehen lernen.

This is once again a small excursion. You may remind that we have pointed out how children learn walking or learn languages and that we combine this with our ideas about motor learning and in particular about learning sports motion. Karen Adolph, New York University, describes in this video how children learn to walk.