Schlagwort-Archive: Miguel Crespo

Focus on the score

Great book about Tennis psychology with a lot of drills. Most of them can be used in a constraints led approach. The following drill sets constraints by changing the rules for counting points. (Miguel Crespo, Machar Reid: Tennis Psychology, 200 + practical drills and the latest research. London 2006)

Players play points from the baseline:
-the first point played counts as 1 point
-the second and third point count as 2 points each
-the fourth and fifth point count as 3 points each
-the sixth and the seventh point count as 4 points each
-the eighth and ninth points played count as 5 points each
-the tenth point played counts as 6 points.
Players play 2 sets of 10 points. The same player serves throughout the set.


Practical implications

Miguel Crespo et al. made the practical implication from their study about „Skill acquisation in tennis: Research and current practice“ from 2007 that, „…as compared to overly prescriptive coaching, indications are that tennis players would benefit from earlier introduction to aviable and random practice designs and the accompanying increased opportunity to intrinsically evaluate their own performance.“

Miguel Crespo und andere kommen in ihrer Studie „Technikerwerb im Tennis: Forschung und gegenwärtige Praxis“ aus dem Jahre 2007 zu der Schlußfolgerung, dass es im Vergleich mit streng auf die Technik festgelegtem Training Hinweise gibt, dass Spieler*innen von einer frühzeitigen Hinführung zu variablem und „zufälligen“ (random) Trainingsgestaltung und intrinsischen Entwicklung ihrer Performance profitieren.

The frames of implicit skill acquisation

In 2007 Machar Reid, Miguel Crespo and Brandon Lay wrote an article on the acquisition of tennis skills in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, in which they reviewed the state of research and current practice. They come to the conclusion, that implicit learning brings better results but a differential view on the implicit approach is necessary. This is in one point due to the fact that there can be no pure implicit learning. To rely exclusively on liberate play leads in the long term to unfavorable skills and limited tactical creativity. The frames of implicit skill acquisation weiterlesen