Schlagwort-Archive: metaphors


In a previous blog post we talked about the importance of metaphors in sports coaching. In an extensive work, Nele Telemann pointed out the efficiency of analogies from other social contexts.

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When you see tennis players jumping like a kangaroo, moving like a gazelle, waiting for the the ball like a tiger, standing at the forehand like a flamingo, holding the racquet like it’s a little bird she’s grabbing.

When you watch children hit balls over the net and describe the distance to the net as „mouse“, „cheetah“ or „giraffe“. When kids want to play the dinosaur game again and again at the end of the training session.


Then you might see players who learn and have learned tennis with our training philosophy.

But metaphors and analogies are not only about animals. May be players move and hit the ball like Bruce Lee recommended: „Be like water.“


stockTalking about differencial learning (DL) I have no problems to use this in a trainings with players over ten years. Some drills out of DL you can see on our youtube channel.

Today the kids (group with kids from 7 to 9 years) gave me an idea to use the DL in tennis10s. One of my favourite metaphers or analogies in coaching kids is the „tiger“-metapher: standing like a tiger and waiting to catch the „loot“, what means to attack, to hit the ball and shout out loud like a tiger, what gives them an imagination of the tennis basic position.

Today, some of the kids were a bit tired and stood on the court like some old men, using their racket like a walking stick. That inspired me to tell them, to stand like „an old man/woman“, using the racket like a „walking stick for elderly people“. This task made, from the first moment, a big difference to nearly everything we had done before! Apart from that it had a special motivation for the kids!