Schlagwort-Archive: evidence based


There are a lot of disciplines in science that are evidence based. But not so in coaching motor skills. In the following article Bain and Mc Gown show, that there is still a methodical traditionalism that ignores evidence based research.Carl McGown, AVCA Hall of Famer

Bain/McGown use three questions from an article that recommends the use of part to whole progressions and they show the evidence based error:
1. Is it always better to teach skills to players of all levels strictly by repetition of the whole skill?
2. Is it appropriate for younger players or players that have not yet imprinted proper motor patterns to learn skills by performing only part of the skill?
3. Should a distinction be made for what training methods are appropriate for more advanced players as compared to players in
their early years of training?

Evidence based motor learning

Carl McGown“Research has led to the identification of a number of evidence-based motor learning principles, which, when properly understood and applied, can have a significant impact on athletic development and achievement. It is therefore surprising that despite its rich heritage and an overwhelming body of scientific literature, motor learning principles remain poorly understood and/or incorrectly applied by a large number of individuals in the coaching profession.”

Dr. Carl McGown Olympic Gold Medalist + NCAA National Champion in Volleyball

The background

Evidence based coaching

What can you find, when we talk about „INNER COACHING (TMS)“?

Which ideas and theories, which methodological approach makes us believe, that this, in his entirety new way of teaching and learning motor skills is the easier and faster way for coaches and learners? I’ve composed the most important elements. If you want to know more about one of these ideas, research results and concepts, you can enter it into the search bar and get further information there.